Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tune in Tuesday (90): Half Moon Run

Tune in Tuesday is a weekly music feature originally hosted by the fabulous Ginger at GReads. However, for the time being, Katelyn of Kate's Tales of Books and Bands will be hosting. As some of you may know, I am ridiculously addicted to music. One of my favorite things to do is share the music I enjoy. Each week we'll be posting some of our favorites to spread the love of music. So link up and join the fun!

Another station find I made last month was this song by Half Moon Run. I do love those moments when you have to stop what you're doing and listen to the song playing. Though this video is really strange, I still love the song. It reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it. The song, not the video, I mean. Anywhoozle... I hope you enjoy! Happy listening!

Call Me in the Afternoon by Half Moon Run

Be sure to pick up the album!


  1. What an interesting video lol. I love discovering new music. I've never heard this song so thanks for sharing :)

    1. Right?! It's so weird, but I like it. And discovering new music is awesome! :)

  2. I'm almost transfixed by the video more than song lol I love it.

    1. Isn't it mesmerizing?! So strange. I'm glad you love it! :)

  3. Gosh, that is a strange video but I do like the song! Those radio finds are my favorite too :)


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