Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tune in Tuesday (107) - Cover Edition!

Tune in Tuesday is a weekly music feature originally hosted by the fabulous Ginger at GReads. However, for the time being, Katelyn of Kate's Tales of Books and Bands will be hosting. As some of you may know, I am ridiculously addicted to music. One of my favorite things to do is share the music I enjoy. Each week we'll be posting some of our favorites to spread the love of music. So link up and join the fun!

So it's the last week of Cover Edition. It's kind of bittersweet. I've had a blast sharing some of my favorite covers, but I'm also happy to be going back to regular posts. Anywhoozle... for this week, I thought I'd do things a little different. I'm going to share songs by a single band. There are heaps of covers for this bands songs. Heaps, I tell you! Which band am I talking about? Just a little one called... The Smiths! Oh yeah, I'm totally doing this. I really love The Smiths and I have to say, there are some spectacular covers out there! Here are just a few of my favorites... done by some of my favorite groups, too!

Happy listening!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tune in Tuesday (106) - Cover Edition!

Tune in Tuesday is a weekly music feature originally hosted by the fabulous Ginger at GReads. However, for the time being, Katelyn of Kate's Tales of Books and Bands will be hosting. As some of you may know, I am ridiculously addicted to music. One of my favorite things to do is share the music I enjoy. Each week we'll be posting some of our favorites to spread the love of music. So link up and join the fun!

Cover Edition week 3! Is everybody enjoying all the wonderful covers being shared? I know I am! I've certainly found some new favorites listening to everybody's picks... and some are ones I never thought I'd like in any form! Well, here are five more of my favorite covers. Also, don't be a stranger to the old versions. They're pretty amazing, too. I hope you guys enjoy!

Happy listening!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tune in Tuesday (105) - Cover Edition!

Tune in Tuesday is a weekly music feature originally hosted by the fabulous Ginger at GReads. However, for the time being, Katelyn of Kate's Tales of Books and Bands will be hosting. As some of you may know, I am ridiculously addicted to music. One of my favorite things to do is share the music I enjoy. Each week we'll be posting some of our favorites to spread the love of music. So link up and join the fun!

Week two of Cover Edition is here!!! I'm still super excited about this, as you can tell. Hee hee. For those of you just joining in, all month long we'll be sharing some of our favorite cover songs! I can't wait to share some of my absolute favorites with you and seeing yours as well. So link in and share the covers you love, too!

Happy listening!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tune in Tuesday (104) - Cover Edition!

Tune in Tuesday is a weekly music feature originally hosted by the fabulous Ginger at GReads. However, for the time being, Katelyn of Kate's Tales of Books and Bands will be hosting. As some of you may know, I am ridiculously addicted to music. One of my favorite things to do is share the music I enjoy. Each week we'll be posting some of our favorites to spread the love of music. So link up and join the fun!

It's here! It's finally here!!! I've been wanting to do a cover edition of Tune in Tuesday since I first joined back in the day! I have an entire playlist on my iTunes dedicated completely to covers. I love when a group/artist can put a new spin on a song and make you fall in love with it all over again. Sometimes the cover will even be for a song I didn't like before, but then found a new love for. I really like when it's difficult to choose which I like best: the cover or the original. Well, all month long I'll be sharing some of my favorite cover songs! I'm so excited you guys, you have no idea. Okay, without further ado, here are a few of my favorite cover songs!

Happy listening!
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